Friday, January 16, 2009

Ready... Set... Sell!!

Today, Lauren, Ethan & I went to Lauren's Girl Scout Cookie Kickoff Party!! When we arrived, there was already a sea of Daisies and Brownies with a few Juniors scattered thru. We were congregated in the school cafeteria, and they had set up stations for the girls to visit. You hear the bell, you switch to the next station!! We sang songs and got our faces painted. We also made "thank you" cards for someone who the girls thought would buy cookies from them. Lauren made hers for Mrs. Vagts, her Kindergarten teacher.
They also got to sample the new cookie, the "Daisy Go Round" at the snack station. Now this, for me, was the scariest station of all. I did come prepared with a snack and a drink for Lauren & Ethan to have while the rest of them ate cookies, I always do. However, They chose to serve vanilla pudding along with the snack, so my nerves were on HIGH!! Lauren opted to sit at the end of the next table, so that she was not sitting directly next to anyone with pudding (her choice, not mine, but I was relieved when she did). Ok, we got thru this without incident. (You just don't know how scary it is to be in an environment that you can't control when your kids have severe food allergies. There is nothing scarier in the world to me.)
Next, we moved on to heads up 7up. The girls had a great time, but it was pretty funny(not many knew how to play, so let's just say that it was interesting...) Now, it was time to wait... We could not receive our paperwork until 9pm on the nose, so we waited & watched the clock for a while. It was nice to be able to sit & talk with some of the moms, I don't get that chance too often. Brad showed up at this time too, kind of a nice break for me & the kids (Ethan was sooo tired & bored out of his mind) so it was really nice to have Brad get there & want to play with him!! (Thanks Honey!!) So, after a looooong night, we finally got our cookie papers and we were on our way!! Sell, Sell, Sell!!

PS the close up of Lauren?? Yeah, she took that herself. It is her new obsession!!

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